Would you please elaborate on the same in order to attain precise assistance??
Would like to buy SEO software for my Alibaba affiliate program. Any suggestions, please??
Would like to buy SEO software for my Alibaba affiliate program. Any suggestions, please??
Actually, I am in the search of a better alternative than Post Affiliate Pro, which is not working well in my case.
Would you please elaborate on the same in order to attain precise assistance??
I have been associated with the Alibaba affiliate marketing program for the last 4 months. Since the IPO released to the public by this site in the last year, there has been a tremendous rush among the people in order to attain the foremost opportunities. But in my case, it is not working at all! My friends and colleagues are attaining good results out of the program, but they are also spending thousands of bucks in order to boost their SEO campaign so that they're earning remains consistently high. Due to the expenditure on the software, their revenue from the affiliate program and the licensing fee of the software is almost at par. This is the reason why they are also planning to quit the services of their current SEO software and anticipating the information on a better substitute. I have heard a lot about the Post Affiliate Pro software and this is the reason why I preferred to go for the services of the same. Besides, it was also within my budget. The software was consistent with the results in the first 1 month. It was successful in affiliate tracking and good in terms of managing the campaigns for tracking the affiliate sales and referrals. But the performance of the software degraded thereafter.
How much do you earn with your affiliate campaign these days? I know it seems to be a personal question, but it is essential to know about the same, so that the recommendation of the software can be done according to that.
Don’t be so formal, dear! There is nothing to hide when it comes to the opportunities in the business and the availability of the right recommendation. I am an open book here. Yes, it is quite pathetic to say, but I earn $30 to $45 (in between) on a daily basis. I know that it is pretty low when compared to the other affiliate programmers associated with the affiliate market of Alibaba. I have read in some of the reviews and testimonies that there are some of the good users who are actually earning $300 to $350 on a daily basis from their affiliate marketing program with Alibaba. I tried to contact one or two persons via their email Id but perhaps they are willing to help me or see other users of the affiliate program as competitors.
Yes, you are right in the same regard! There is a stiff competition prevailing in the market and most of the affiliate programmers never prefer to aid others. But there is no one such problem with me as I am associated with the Ebay affiliate marketing so I think you will free to take my suggestion and consideration to the same. Please go for the Money Robot software accessible in the market (from the authorized website only) and avail numerous benefits in no time. I personally use this software for my Ebay affiliate marketing and not to mention but my campaign is thriving. I hope it will fetch the identical results for you as well.
There is only slight distinction between the parameters of affiliate marketing followed at Amazon, Ebay and Alibaba. I hope this software will be functional for me as well as it is for you. I have to see whether the cost of the cost is affordable for me or not. Please tell the web Id of the software. Is it functional online with the money robot name only or is there a distinctive URL address?
No! Please note that MONEY ROBOT is a software offered by a site operating online. The name of the site is Money Robot software and the direct URL to access the website is given alongside www.moneyrobot.com. Make an access to the site through the URl provided above, and get in touch with Nick for further assistance on the campaign. He is the head in-charge for all the operations taking place on the site, including the support, the notifications and updates, and the entire input related to the functionality, configuration and results of this SEO software. I personally interact with him and he is undoubtedly a great guy! He will resolve all your queries and worries in no time at all. You can get in touch with Nick via Skype or the private chat support system facilitated by the site.
If you are keen to take advice of an Alibaba affiliate market user then you can feel free to get in touch with me on this discussion thread. I am personally using this software for the past 2 months and the results are amazing. The MR software aids really affordable in terms of the license fee and it in generating a substantial amount of revenue from the Alibaba affiliate marketing campaign. I came in touch with this software through a friend who is active in the field of social media marketing and attaining thousands of bucks every month. He shared with me the secret to his success as the consistent usage of Money Robot software. Personally speaking, I was a bit dubious about the usage of this software in the early period of time. As it is quite obvious that social media marketing and the affiliate marketing program of Alibaba are two distinct entities. But with the usage of the software for the past two months, I can say that this software is versatile in nature. For your reference, I am providing you with the image of the software and a glimpse of how it actually works. For the reference, please have a look down below-

Wow, your report of the software is amazing. It's really not hard to evaluate the working process of the software via the image uploaded by you. But you haven’t disclosed your current revenue in the field of affiliate marketing with the application of MR Software. I know it is a bit odd to ask about the revenue of a person, who is utterly unfamiliar to me. But for the sake of authenticity, would you be kind enough to throw some light on the same?
Sure, why not? As I am quite gratified with the functioning and performance of this software, I think there is no harm in recommending it to others as well. Before I started availing the services of this software, the regular earning associated with my affiliate marketing portal was roughly around $30 to $45. But after reaching for the services of money robot software, things started to change at a significant level. Now, after the usage of the software in the period of 2 months, my earning vary from $250 to $340 with the Alibaba affiliate portal. The software is remarkable in itself and definitely a savior to my affiliate marketing business. I know that there are people who are earning in the market from $400 to $500 in the deals made on a daily basis. But it is noteworthy that the MR software has passed only 2 months in association with my campaign. It is quite obvious that some more amount of time will be needed for the software to enhance the meaningful traffic and sales on my affiliate base. Well, patience is the key and I do have a surplus of it!
The proposal of Money Robot is certainly worth giving a thought. But before proceeding onto that choice, I would suggest you to exploit one practical say through my part. Kindly make sure that you enhance the SEO needs of your site on a direct basis. As your site is the prime source for attaining the meaningful traffic, so I think it is essential to reinforce the parameters of SEO on your business portal. I hope the top notch support team of Money Robot will help you in the same regard and generate excellent sales out of your Alibaba affiliate system.
Yes, the software really works. I have gone for the trial version of the software and from the last 5 days there are a few significant improvements in the affiliate marketing panel of my site. I have gone to the setup file of the software available on the following link: http://www.moneyrobot.com/download/MoneyRobotSetup.exe. Hope you will find the info resourceful. And yes, if anyone finds complications with the installation of the software then they can go for the simple tutorial explaining the installation process of the software online. http://seoplanet.co/money-robot-tutorial-for-beginners-simple-to-use-30. As I am familiar with the working of a number of software accessible on the Internet, so I never felt any sort of trouble while installing Money Robot. It hardly took 4 or 5 steps and the process of installation was executed flawlessly. The software is also proficient to work in the background. I hope the results of the software are equally as good as the features are in themselves.Thank you so much!!