Eller Posts 3
Senior Member
Want best SEO optimization software that can help my site to index on Google
I am in search of the best SEO Optimization software that can help me with the best results within a targeted time frame. I welcome recommendations in this thread!
Nakia Posts 3
Senior Member
If you are looking for an SEO software that is comprehensive in approach and help you with multiple features of the site optimization then there is one recommendation for you. Go for the services of the Money Robot software and conclude your search right away. I am recommending you the name of this software simply because of the fact that I have personally used this software for 3 SEO campaigns and highly pleased with the results. If you wish to know how it actually worked for my campaign, then you can simply look upon the image posted in this thread.
Here, you will have a gen
Money Robot Software-26.pnguine clear cut idea of the software and its working pattern.
Eller Posts 3
Senior Member
I made a visit to the authorized official website of the software
http://www.moneyrobot.com and attained some of the vital information about the software. It is worth mentioning that the software comes along with the trial period of 7 days (which is really a good thing) and the makers also offer a 7 day 100% money back guarantee on the license version of the software. So I believe that my investment would remain secure. I actually want the software to work for me because I want to execute my SEO campaigns this year very seriously and there is no turning back! But there is a slight confusion in my mind. I would be more than glad if you can help me to resolve the same. I have read on the site that they representatives offer the support ticket services as well. It is not clear to me what is it all about?
Nakia Posts 3
Senior Member
The support ticket is a service offered by the website in order to streamline the support requests effectively. There is a unique ticket number offered in it with the help of which you can easily track down the response over the Internet. For the convenience of the user, the support representatives of the site also offers the history of all the support requests. It is a free service and all you required to have is a valid email Id. The major reason due to which the support ticket service has been initiated by the site is because of the fact that the money robot site has a plethora of clients. That is the reason why it is possible a few times that they unable to give the deserving attention to the support requests. A credible site never accepts decline in the reliance of the customer. So this website started the support ticket service so that all the customers can get benefited with the right amount of attention that they truly deserve.
Eller Posts 3
Senior Member
I have downloaded the setup file of the software from the link
http://www.moneyrobot.com/download/MoneyRobotSetup.exe. The software is working in a proper way without any kind of complaint. With the inception of the trial version of the software, it is now possible for me to understand the software in a better way.
The cost of the software is relatively cheap, so I need not to worry about the fluctuation in my monthly budget. Although, there is a lifetime license of the software also accessible on the site for just $497, but I would prefer to go with the monthly subscription only for some period of time. If the search engine optimization results for my business turn out to be great then I can even consider the license as well. Till that moment of time, I will go for the monthly subscription fee of $67 and wait for the results to come out great for me.
Ldo Posts 4
Senior Member
I am also in the search of a good SEO optimization software. If the services of the Money Robot software turn out to be good, then I will definitely go for the services of that software. Meanwhile, there are some tips that I would like to seek! I have heard that image optimization is also important in order to promote and content and the article. If that is true, then I would definitely like to know about the optimization of the images in order to attain the best Google image search results. If you have any relevant information about the same, then please share it with me.
Nakia Posts 3
Senior Member
If you would like to optimize the image for the Google search results then there are some of the vital tips that I would like to share with you.
•The size of the image that you would like to optimize requires to be perfect. High definition images are not required for the optimization and besides, they also consume a considerable amount of the browsing time as well. It always generates a negative impact on the search engine crawlers. The low size images are always preferable. There is a tool termed as Yahoo! Smush.it that can help you in the same regard.
•Please note that when you are uploading the images to the host for the purpose of optimization then it is very important to name the image carefully. It is not to name the image like abc123. It is always good to upload the image with the precisely targeted keywords. Like for example, ‘howtooptimizeimages’. One such clever measure will not only enhance your rankings in the Google images, but also in the Google web search as well.
•Additionally, the optimization of the ALT Tag is extremely important. It is worth mentioning that the search engine crawlers cannot read or view an image at all. They always refer to the ALT Tag provided with the image. That is the reason why it is very important to optimize the image along with the ALT Tag. It is very important that you should not go for long characters in the ALT Tags. If you try one such trick then it would be considered as a strategy of over-optimization and eventually result in penalization.
Ldo Posts 4
Senior Member
Thank you very much for the information shared by you. I will definitely take into account all the details enlisted by you in this thread, while optimizing the images in the future course of time. I definitely had certain details about the application of the Alt tag, but all the other vital information shared by you is nothing less than a bonus. Thanks once again!!
Oluf Posts 1
Senior Member
The information provided up there regarding the optimization of the images is nothing less than remarkable at all. But as per my knowledge, there is something additional as well that I would like to add up down here in this thread. It is basically related to Schema markup. It will help you to give further information about the things that are present within your content and it incorporates the presence of the images are well, so you can give a brief and precise info about the images as well for the search engines to consider. It will certainly help you to enhance your on page optimization campaign. The presence of Schema markup will also allow you to include the location where the image was clicked. If you wish to add the name of the photographer or any other vital input, then you can easily accomplish it with the help of Schema markup.
Ldo Posts 4
Senior Member
Thank you for this additional info in this thread. Here I would like to share the fact that both Schema markup and Smush.it are absolutely new for me. It is really good to know about them. I have already searched for a Wordpress plugin that automatically accomplishes all the task related to the image. The services related to the resizing of the images could also be accomplished with the help of this plug-in.
Orla Posts 1
Senior Member
The suggestion of the Money Robot software is absolutely worth considering. I am saying this simply due to the fact that there are some of the truly acclaimed reviews about the software. I explore more info on the SEO optimization software online. That was the time when I reached in more autonomous discussion threads where people were talking about their SEO requirement and how to reach for the best optimization software from the existing options in the market.
I am forwarding you guys the URL to one such discussion thread so that you can also learn more about this web SEO optimization software
http://www.seoexpertforums.com/is-there-any-good-seo-ranking-software-available-to-optimize-my-site-56 . The info provided in the link is definitely worth reading. I have attained some of good benefits out of the information provided out there and I hope the same for you guys as well!!
Ldo Posts 4
Senior Member
I tried the Smush.it plug-in as recommended to me and it is working really great. All the work related to the image could easily be accomplished with the help of this plug-in manually. It is really great to know that pagespeed score improvement is really very important in order to accentuate in the search engine rankings. The Smush.it plug-in really helps in the improvement of the pagespeed score. I must say that my objective of reaching this thread has been eventually fulfilled. The recommendation of money robot software and the Smush.it plug-in are working really great for me.