Will you please elaborate on the situation of your site. Since when it is starting to happen. What form of SEO service you actually avail. By l how much time are you in the business. Kindly, throw some light on these facts.
My existing links are vanishing quickly. Please suggest good link building software.
My existing links are vanishing quickly. Please suggest good link building software.
My site is in trouble as all the links are vanishing quickly. Please suggest a software that can back me up with additional backlinks.
Will you please elaborate on the situation of your site. Since when it is starting to happen. What form of SEO service you actually avail. By l how much time are you in the business. Kindly, throw some light on these facts.
I am the owner of a website that provides a network between the licensed medical practitioners and the patients who are in the desperate need of them in various parts of Australia. I am in this field with my website for the past 2 years. All things were working well for the past sometime, but my efforts of SEO actually started to demolish from the last 8 to 10 days. As I tend to use the tactic of manual SEO, I don’t think I have made a mistake associated with unethical SEO trade practices. But it is hard for me to understand the true reason behind the problem. It is hard for me to tell, but hundreds of links have already been deleted and it is really painful for me. I work tirelessly on my manual SEO campaign and all my hard earned links are now going into the bin. I think it is not possible for me to attain an equivalent number of backlinks in a very short period of time. This is the reason why I think it would rather be better to go for the services of a reliable link building software. If you can offer a definite suggestion to my problem and the right recommendation about my software query, then I would remain more than grateful.
Your problem seems to be serious. The consistent disappearance of the backlinks can significantly drop the ranking and the visibility of your pages. I think unintentionally perhaps, you have added one or two fishy links that were caught by the penguin updates on Google. The recent version of Penguin 3.0 is far more efficient than then previous version and it comprises of some of the excellent link filters. Google has recently made some updates in the algorithms and it is a lot easier for it to track down all the major business sites that are opting for unethical SEO trade practices. If there are problem with your existing links, then I am sorry to say that your site is under severe threat. It is very important to look for all the alternative measures as soon as possible.
From your words, I think you are not a culprit of employing bad SEO practices. As you have mentioned that you put more efforts manually and know about the minute thread of indifference between the white and the black hat SEO practices, then it is quite obvious that you would definitely not go for the latter one. Here, I think there is a possibility of one more thing. It is possible that one of your competitors is trying to slander your website by posting invisible backlinks to it. One such sort of illegitimate practice is highly condemned and banned by the webmaster guidelines offered by the premier search engine service providers. So it is quite obvious that your business website is about to attain the penalty for one such crime which you have actually not committed. Here, it would be best to recommend you one such software that can actually turn the things in your favor within a short period of time.
So what are you suggesting? Is there a software on site available on the Internet that can actually aid me in one such circumstance? If there is any name revolving in your mind, then please don’t hesitate to tell me about the same. I desperately need the help!
Yes, there is one software that can actually serve your purpose. I cannot guarantee 100% results out of it as I have not personally used this software yet. But there are numerous acclaimed reviews associated with this software and this is the reason why I am recommending it to you. You can visit and download the software at www.moneyrobot.com
I have already made a visit to the site and found that this software is currently available with the trial version of 7 days. When I did a search about the best link building software available in the market, then I came in touch with another discussion thread that discussed about this software and passed it unanimously. I can forward you the link of the same discussion thread and I hope that it will definitely going to aid you to a remarkable extent. http://www.seoexpertforums.com/is-there-a-backlink-submitter-software-that-can-fetch-me-a-huge-quantity-of-links-85 One more reason due to which I am offering you the reference to this discussion thread that there also the members discussed about the link building submitter and reached onto the conclusion that Money Robot software is currently the finest option accessible to them.
Here you have mentioned two names, which one out of them is the software? You have mentioned Money Robot as well as money robot. There is some confusion, I think! The URL or the site link indicates something else and the name MONEY ROBOT that you have mentioned suggested something else. Please explain the same, if you can!
Thanks !!
There is nothing to confuse at all! If you have redirected your search to the provided URL www.moneyrobot.com then it would not be hard for you to understand the simple basic difference. Money Robot software is the website that offers Money Robot software. It is one of the most renowned websites that operates from Europe, but delivers the online SEO software service worldwide. As the software is linked to trustworthy European server, so there is no question of facing blackout or any kind of interruption in the updates. Just make a visit to the site and find a really user friendly experience with it. I have already navigated through the web pages of this site and I found the results to be highly conducive.
As per your instruction, I made a visit to the official website of the software and found it to be good. The customers who are using this software claiming to get results within 1 or 2 months. But I would like to ask you and other (who have more knowledge about this software) that, is it legitimate?? I am not questioning your suggestion, but the results that people are attaining of this software are seem to be pretty fast. As I am quite habitual to the manual form of SEO so it is hard for me to imagine one such thing. I am just afraid as my site is already under the threat of Google penalty, what if this software turns out to be fake or unethical and bring more harm to my site than good?
Thanks for such a quick response and the clarification of the things. I really appreciate it. Thanks a ton!!
You are welcome…. Please note that money robot software is absolutely legitimate in nature. If have came across an immense number of reviews where the users are going for the services of this software for not only months but years. They have not registered a single complaint of dissatisfaction or lack of update or response till date. I don’t think you ought to hesitate while going for the services of this software.
I have downloaded the software from the official link http://www.moneyrobot.com/download/MoneyRobotSetup.exe the link is quickly accessible and enable fast download. Let’s see how much improvement it can bring in the backlinks of my site during the trial period of a week. I have read the reviews that the software is highly efficient and is known for the tireless formation of natural backlinks. I hope the software is as effective as most of the people claim it to be. Only then it can turn out to be the savior of my business. I will definitely go for the licensed version of the software if the trial version succeeds in making the consistent backlinks and also keep an eye on the activities of the competitor.
In my perspective, the efficiency of the Money Robot software is exceptional in itself. I don’t know about the other people, but all my backlink needs are well fulfilled by this software. I am using the software for the last 3 months and the results that I have obtained during these 90 days are remarkable. The software is really efficient to work in the background of the system and if the configuration and health of your system permits then you can run for 24 hours as well. I have personally experienced the same and this is the reason why I am recommending the name MONEY ROBOT wholeheartedly.For your convenience, I am uploading the glimpse of how this software works on my system. It will definitely aid you to make the assessment at your level.

I hope the trial version of the software is really working for all your needs…