First of all, it is imperative to note down that directory submission is merely a part of SEO and it is not complete SEO at all. I don’t know what measures are you actually taking in order to fulfill the requirements of blog submission, content management, link building, social bookmarking, social media optimization, discussion thread building and other vital segments. Besides, it is also worth mentioning that both free and paid directory submitters are different from one another. The free directory submitters have very limited usage and compatibility. It is even hard for them to access all the major and useful directories that are accessible on the Internet and deals with your niche. If you are executing a decent commercial operation, then it is quite obvious that you cannot rely on the directory submitter software that is accessible for free. As it is quite obvious that it is for free so it will not come with any sort of liability at all. If there are certain performance issues related to the software then it is quite obvious that all your SEO campaign will be put on hold for an unknown period of time.
Looking for good directory submitter for fast SEO work. Free or paid, which one would be better?
Looking for good directory submitter for fast SEO work. Free or paid, which one would be better?
There are both free and paid directory submitter software available in the market. It is hard for me to decide which directory submitter software would be a better choice.
First of all, it is imperative to note down that directory submission is merely a part of SEO and it is not complete SEO at all. I don’t know what measures are you actually taking in order to fulfill the requirements of blog submission, content management, link building, social bookmarking, social media optimization, discussion thread building and other vital segments. Besides, it is also worth mentioning that both free and paid directory submitters are different from one another. The free directory submitters have very limited usage and compatibility. It is even hard for them to access all the major and useful directories that are accessible on the Internet and deals with your niche. If you are executing a decent commercial operation, then it is quite obvious that you cannot rely on the directory submitter software that is accessible for free. As it is quite obvious that it is for free so it will not come with any sort of liability at all. If there are certain performance issues related to the software then it is quite obvious that all your SEO campaign will be put on hold for an unknown period of time.
I just thought that I could save some bucks by going for the free version of a reliable software. Never mind, so as you have mentioned that it is not a wise choice to go for the services of a free software, so I think you are about to recommend me a paid software which is efficient, reliable and affordable.
Yes, indeed! It is a fact that the paid version of the directory submission software comes along with its own perks. As you have paid the license fee so it is obvious that it will enable you to get frequent upgrades and stay in contact with the support team of the software. There is a software that I would like to mention you down here. The software is offered by and the name of the software is Money Robot. The software is not only the specialized process of directory submission, but even better when it comes to all the vital benchmarks of SEO. The software is highly affordable and the primary benefit is that it comes along with comprehensive SEO tactics at the most nominal rates prevailing in the market.
What if I am not satisfied with the directory submission services of this software. Will the Money Robot pay me back the fee that I have invested while purchasing the licensed key of their software. After all, it is hard to tell whether the software is really meant good for the SEO campaign in advance. This is the reason why I would like to know their money back policy if the software is not serving the desired purpose. Please, no offense, I am not skeptical about your judgment or recommendation. But it is a fact that the SEO requirements of the businesses vary from one another. And so is the performance and delivery of the software.
It does not work that way. There is no money back policy associated with the site But it is significant to note that you need not to worry about the inefficiency of the software. I am not telling you this because of the fact that there is an incredible amount of rave reviews in the support of the result oriented functions of the software is quite obvious that the results do tend to vary from one business to another. The compatibility of the business site also plays a very vital role in deciding whether the efforts put on by the SEO software will bear fruitful results or not.The money robot software offered by this acclaimed European website comes along with the trial period of 7 days. The performance and the results offered by the software during this period comes absolutely for free. It will help you to analyze and understand whether the directory submission work offered by the software is rightly meant for your business or not. It is a fact that 98% of the people are really went satisfied with the efficient results of the software and order for the licensed version of the software in no time. If you are keen to down the setup file of the software then you can simply do it from the following link
There is one more question that I would like to ask you. How would I know whether MONEY ROBOT is actually working for me or not? Is there any criteria for that? If the whole week passes out and I do not know how the software is actually working for me then it would really be a tragedy. I would definitely don’t like to lose a deserving software simply because of the lack of communication. Meanwhile, the link that you offered to me actually works. I have already downloaded the setup file of Money Robot to my computer and I have already when through the steps associated with the installation process. I have followed the following link for the same purpose. Just waiting to know the software actually tells about the directory submission report. Do I have to make a visit to the official site of Money Robot in order to extract the periodic report of directory submission done by the software? Please share with me if you know about the same.
I appreciate your concern. I am happy that you trust my words and have already downloaded the setup file of the software in order to initiate your SEO campaign with the help of this unique directory submitter. Please note that Money Robot is an automatic software with efficient robotic directory submission features. The software is proficient enough to create the directory submission results and reports on its own and submit the same for the user on its system. You need not to go anywhere, and does not require to make frequent visits to the official website in order to track down the reports. Everything will be provided on your system on a periodic basis. And besides, keep an eye on the URLs that you have intended to submit to the desired directories. You will definitely observe a significant change in the ranking of the URLs.As the trial period is only meant for a period of 7 days, so there will not be an extraordinary change in the rankings, but it will definitely indicate you the benefits that are about to come once you purchase down the licensed key of the software.
Thank you very much for the input. It is highly appreciable that you hang on for this long and delivered all the vital info for the sake of better understanding of the software. I have installed the software and let’s see how the directory submission caliber of the software actually benefit my business.
Money Robot is definitely a prudent choice for all the directory submission requirements needed by an online user. I am personally using this software for all kinds of directory submission works for the last 3 months and I must say that I am really happy with the results. It is noteworthy that just the submission in the directories is not going to fetch you the right results. It is imperative to submit in the right niches of the right and credible directories. It is a fact that money robot is a software that works on the same principle and this is the reason why it is a highly successful name in the market. I can show you the glimpse of how the software works on my PC. It will help you a lot to know about the authenticity and competency of this software in advance.

I hope the proof offered by me will help you to have a better understanding of the software. As you have mentioned that you are already availing the trial version of the software, I am pretty sure that quite content with the results that you have acquired till date.
A big hug and thanks to both of you guys!!!!The trial period of a week is over and the results offered by the software are just unbelievable. There is a decent soar in the ranking of the URLs that I have submitted to the software. It is a really good indication and I hope that the licensed version of the software also performs equivalently well in the
coming period of time. The directory submission report issued by the software is timely and to the point. The reports are very easy to understand and evaluate.I have already communicated with the support team of the software on and they have assured me all sorts of assistance whenever required. It is really hard for me to say how much happy I am after reaching for the software that efficiently meets all my demands. Thank you very much for all your time and assistance. And don’t forget to stay in touch!