I think it would be best to remove the ads from the areas where they are not performing well. If you keep on posting ads in those particular regions, then there is a possibility that it will turn out to be worse than good. For instance, as you have already mentioned that the ads that you have placed on the footer region are not performing really well for you. Try this technique and see whether it is actually working for you or not.
Is there a top SEO software that can help me out with Adsense Click-Through-Rate?
Is there a top SEO software that can help me out with Adsense Click-Through-Rate?
When I first entered the world of Adsense I thought that thinks would easily click for me. But I was wrong! Firstly, I tried by placing different ads on various visible locations in order to get quick attention of the targeted visitors. But the click-through rate attained by me is not sufficient enough at all. There is a very sow progress and results are not even at par with the constant investment. I made some changes in the header so that the ads can attain maximum possible visibility. I made the ad boxes on the right side which is easy to be scrolled and clicked. I have provided ad links with decent gaps and frequency in the content. The ads in the footer of my articles are not yielding the desired results. So these are some of the reasons why I desperately need the help of the top SEO software accessible in the market which can automatically guide my Adsense CTR campaign in the most ordered fashion.
I think it would be best to remove the ads from the areas where they are not performing well. If you keep on posting ads in those particular regions, then there is a possibility that it will turn out to be worse than good. For instance, as you have already mentioned that the ads that you have placed on the footer region are not performing really well for you. Try this technique and see whether it is actually working for you or not.
The suggestion rendered by you is really appreciable. I have already applied the technique suggested by you and it is actually working a bit. The elimination of the ad from the bottom of the page has increased the CTR 0.58%. But I think it is not sufficient enough for me. I would like t accentuate my Adsense campaign to a significant level and this is the reason why I would like to go with a really efficient robotic SEO software tool. Thank you for the suggestion though as well as the technical input!
If you are in the search of the top SEO software accessible in the market for the sake of your Google Adsense campaign then there is one name that I would like to suggest you here. Go for the fast results offered by Money Robot SEO software and get the targeted Adsense results within a limited time frame. The software is proven in terms of efficiency and results. This is the reason why I do not have any sort of hesitation at all while recommending its name to you. You can find this software on the following website:
The name and the link mentioned by you is definitely worth consideration. I made a visit to the provided URL and things seem to be quite promising out there. The reply offered by you is quick and appreciable. I really needed a prompt and rational answer because of the fact that my Adsense is the key source for the online payment. I will keep an eye on the updates of the results and will post the same here so that more number of people participating in the thread can know about it.
It is really nice to know that you are giving preference to the name suggested by me. And yes, I forgot to mention one thing earlier. I don’t know whether you have seen it or not when you made a visit to the website, but the MONEY ROBOT software comes along with a 7 day trial period absolutely for free. As an independent advisor, I would like to suggest you to go for the trial period of 7 days before actually purchasing the license key. It will help you to have the surface idea of the caliber of the software and whether it is rightly meant for your so called Adsense SEO campaign or not. Also here I am sharing the working of this software:

Yes, indeed! I made a visit to the site, but I think I overlooked the trial period offer. I am really grateful to you for mentioning it down here. You are quite correct that we cannot just go with a particular software just because it has proven to be worthy to the other Adsense users operating online. How it performs for my campaign is something that actually counts. Let’s see how things turn out to be with the money robot software.
The name Money Robot is certainly the right one to go for the best Adsense campaign experience. I am personally using services on this site and its unique software for the past 2 months and the results is ‘better than the best.’I have experienced both the trail and the licensed version of the software. As far as I know, most of the software that are accessible online comes with better trial version than the licensed software. But when I went to the services of the money robot then I experienced that the paid licensed version of the software is more powerful than the trial version that is available for a week absolutely for free.
Within the last 2 months, I have observed an increase of 70% to 80% in my Adsense revenue on per month and it keeps on increasing day by day. I am really pleased and contended with the results.
I am using the trial version of this top SEO software from the last 1 week and I must say that the click through rate has increased up to more than double. From its performance in the last one week it is not hard to evaluate that it is indeed a remarkable software. As one of our friends has already mentioned that the licensed copy of the Money Robot software is even better than the trial version, I do not have to think twice before confirming my order for a fully paid Adsense service of the software. I am really grateful that I acquired such a nice suggestion over here. Also one of the threads I read earlier too helped me in taking the decision. This is the one I think: http://seoexpertforums.com/i-am-searching-for-the-best-seo-software-in-the-online-market-but-prior-to-that-would-like-to-know-about-what-is-the-best-seo-software-all-about-and-the-features-associated-with-it-33
It is really nice to know that you are getting persistent results with the usage of this software. But it's also important that you consistently contribute from your end as well as, well, so that your software could perform exceptionally well on a tireless basis. You have already removed the ads from the footer page and it is really a wise decision. In order to get more attention of the visitors tom your ad links, it is best to revise the content in between on a tireless basis.
Additionally, try placing the ad at the top right side of your website. I have personally tried it and it really works. I hope the same happens to you too.
It is arguably a great suggestion! I will look forward to the settings and make certain amendments for the sake of better ad link building.
Meanwhile, it has been 3 weeks and my Adsense placement is working exceptionally well. The results and the visitors to the ads are increasing day by day. Thank you God and all the members on this thread to lead me to this exclusive software.
Wow! It is really good to know that there are so many people who are actually making a way to Google Adsense and increasing their revenues day by day. It is one of the few lucrative yet legitimate ways to increase the online revenue and presence. It is really good to know that there are some of the unique software in existence online that are capable enough to bring more targeted audience to the site and reinforce the Click-Through Rate.
As per my opinion, there is no harm in trying the sticky ads to your website. You can simply place a standard banner and can attain better CTR. Just try it and it is not hard at all. There are many people who are getting good results out of it.
I would advise you otherwise! Sticky Ads are not permitted as per the Google Adsense guidelines. It could lead to the penalty or could even ban your Adsense account. Always go for the legitimate ways only and be on the safe side to yield more benefits. The consideration to the MONEY ROBOT software is definitely a prudent choice. There are an immense number of rave reviews available for this software in the market. As per me, it is basically due to the consistency of the software that there are so many supporters claiming for its excellence online. I think the success rate of money robot software is more than what could be seen through the available testimonies online. It is quite obvious that people prefer to go to the negative reviews more online and they usually seldom discuss the most appreciable results over the Internet. Good luck with the whole Adsense campaign experience!!
Thank you all of you for your kind suggestions!